Sort by: Title ↑↓ | Maker and Shaper ↑↓
Writing: George French Angas
Item: The Last Zulu King: The Life and Death of Cetshwayo
Writing: Charles Theodore Binns
Item: The Annals of Natal: 1495 to 1845. (Vol. I)
Writing: John Bird
Item: The Annals of Natal: 1495 to 1845. (Vol. II)
Writing: John Bird
Writing: Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek
Item: A Grammar of the [K-word] Language
Writing: William B. Boyce
Item: Reminiscence of [K-word] Life and History, and other papers
Writing: Charles Brownlee
Item: The Zulu People As They Were Before the White Man Came
Writing: Alfred Thomas Bryant
Item: Zulu Medicine and Medicine-Men
Writing: Alfred Thomas Bryant
Item: Bantu Origins. The People & Their Language
Writing: Alfred Thomas Bryant
Item: A History of the Zulu and Neighbouring Tribes
Writing: Alfred Thomas Bryant
Item: Olden Times in Zululand and Natal: Containing Earlier Political History of the Eastern-Nguni Clans
Writing: Alfred Thomas Bryant
Item: A Zulu-English Dictionary: With Notes on Pronunciation
Writing: Alfred Thomas Bryant
Item: Impressions of South Africa
Writing: James Bryce
Item: Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. Vol. II.
Writing: William John Burchell
Item: The Religious System of the AmaZulu.
Writing: Henry Callaway
Item: Mes Souvenirs
Writing: Eugène Casalis
Item: The Basutos or Twenty-three Years in South Africa
Writing: Eugène Casalis
Item: Les Bassoutos, ou Vingt-Trois Années de Séjour et d'Observations au Sud de l'Afrique
Writing: Eugène Casalis
Item: Etudes sur la Langue Sechuana
Writing: Eugène Casalis
Item: Journal of the Rev. George Champion, American Missionary in Zululand, 1835-9
Editing: Alan R. Booth
Writing: George Champion
Item: Zulu-English Dictionary
Writing: John William Colenso
Item: Izindatyana Zabantu Kanye Nezindaba Zas'eNatal
Writing: William Ngidi
Writing: John William Colenso
Item: First Steps in Zulu-[K-word]: an Abridgement of the Elementary Grammar of the Zulu-[K-word] Language
Writing: John William Colenso
Item: The Natal Who's Who: An Illustrated Biographical Sketch Book of Natalians
Writing: The Natal Who's Who Publishing Company. Co
Item: The Diary of the Rev. Francis Owen
Editing: George Edward Cory
Writing: Francis Owen
Writing: Joseph Kirkman
Writing: Richard Brangan Hulley
Item: Sketches Representing the Native Tribes, Animals, and Scenery of Southern Africa
Writing: William Daniell and William Wood
Item: The Girl Who Killed to Save
Writing: Herbert Isaac Ernest Dhlomo
Item: UDinizulu kaCetshwayo
Writing: Rolfes Robert Reginald Dhlomo
Item: UCetshwayo
Writing: Rolfes Robert Reginald Dhlomo
Item: UMpande kaSenzangakhona
Writing: Rolfes Robert Reginald Dhlomo
Item: UDingane kaSenzangakhona
Writing: Rolfes Robert Reginald Dhlomo
Item: A Zulu - [K-word] Dictionary
Writing: Jacob L. Döhne
Item: Zulu-English Dictionary
Writing: C. M. Doke
Writing: Benedict Wallet Vilakazi
Item: Insila ka Tshaka
Writing: John Langalibalele Dube
Item: Insila ka Tshaka
Writing: John Langalibalele Dube
Item: History of the Basuto, Ancient and Modern
Writing: David-Frédéric Ellenberger
Writing: James Anson Farrer
Item: Zulu References for Interpreters and Students
Writing: Carl Faye
Item: The Diary of Henry Francis Fynn
Editing: D. M. K. Malcolm
Editing: James Stuart
Writing: Henry Fynn
Item: Narrative of a Journey to the Zoolu Country: In South Africa
Writing: Allen Francis Gardiner
Item: Iziqwenge Zembali YamaXosa
Writing: Noyi Gciniswa
Item: The Story of the Zulus
Writing: James Young Gibson
Item: Natal: An Illustrated Official Railway Guide and Handbook of General Information
Writing: Charles William Francis Harrison
Item: Later Annals of Natal
Editing: Alan F. Hattersley
Item: The Past and Future of the [K-word] Races
Writing: William C. Holden
Writing: William C. Holden
Item: Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa volume 1.
Writing: Nathaniel Isaacs
Item: Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa volume 2
Writing: Nathaniel Isaacs
Item: AmaZulu. The Zulus, Their Past History, Manners, Customs, and Language
Writing: Thomas B. Jenkinson
Item: Ingqawule
Writing: James J. Ranisi Jolobe
Item: The Life of a South African Tribe. I. The Social Life
Writing: Henri Alexandre Junod
Item: The Life of a South African Tribe. II. The Psychic Life
Writing: Henri Alexandre Junod
Item: Among the Zulus and Amatongas
Editing: William H. Drummond
Editing: David Leslie
Item: Travels in Southern Africa, in the Years 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806
Writing: Henry Lichtenstein
Item: The Zulu and the British Frontiers
Writing: Thomas J. Lucas
Item: Bantu, Boer, and Briton: The Making of the South African Native Problem
Writing: William Miller Macmillan
Item: She shall have Music
Writing: Beatrice Marx
Item: Life with the Zulus of Natal, South Africa
Writing: George Holditch Mason
Item: Aletta: A Tale of the Boer Invasion
Writing: Bertram Mitford
Item: Forging the Blades. A Tale of the Zulu Rebellion
Writing: Bertram Mitford
Item: The Induna's Wife
Writing: Bertram Mitford
Item: In the Whirl of the Rising
Writing: Bertram Mitford
Item: The King's Aseegai: a Matabili Story
Writing: Bertram Mitford
Item: John Ames, Native Commissioner: A Romance of the Matabele Rising
Writing: Bertram Mitford
Writing: Duncan C. F. Moodie
Item: Ten Years in South Africa Vol. 2
Writing: John Wedderburn Dunbar Moodie
Item: Iziduko Zama-Hlubi
Writing: Henry Masila Ndawo
Item: Andrew Smith and Natal
Item: Natal: The Land and its Story
Writing: Robert Russell
Item: The [K-word] of Natal and the Zulu Country
Writing: Joseph Shooter
Item: The South-Eastern Bantu (Abe-Nguni, Aba-Mbo, Ama-Lala)
Writing: John Henderson Soga
Writing: Philip Arnold Stuart
Item: Population and Political Systems in Tropical Africa
Writing: Robert F. Stevenson
Item: History of South Africa Since September 1795, Vol. I.
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: History of South Africa Since September 1795, Vol. II.
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: History of South Africa Since September 1795, Vol. III.
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: History of South Africa Since September 1795. Vol. V.
Writing: George McCall Theal
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: The Compendium of South African History and Geography - Scholar's Choice Edition
Writing: George McCall Theal
Writing: George McCall Theal
Writing: George McCall Theal
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: Travels and Adventures in Southern Africa
Writing: George Thompson
Item: Forty Years Among the Zulus
Writing: Tyler Josiah
Item: Cetshwayo's Dutchman
Writing: Cornelius Vijn
Item: UDingiswayo kaJobe
Writing: Benedict Wallet Vilakazi
Item: Noma Nini
Writing: Benedict Wallet Vilakazi
Item: Nje-Nempela
Writing: Benedict Wallet Vilakazi
Writing: John M. Watt
Writing: Maria G. Breyer-Brandwijk
Item: Myths & Legends of the Bantu
Writing: Alice Werner
Item: Tiyo Soga: A Page of South African Missionary Work
Writing: John A. Chalmers
Item: Savage Childhood: A Study of [K-word] Children
Writing: Dudley Kidd
Item: The motive for the Nongqawuse cattle-killing
Writing: William Wellington Gqoba
Item: The Tale of Nongqawuse
Writing: Archibald Campbell Jordan
Item: Isizathu sokuxhelwa kweenkomo ngoNongqawuse
Writing: Walter Benson Rubusana
Item: Ten Weeks in Natal
Writing: John William Colenso
Item: Ingxaki eyasenzakalisayo
Writing: David Livingstone Phakamile Yali-Manisi
Item: Intlalo ka Xosa
Item: The Cradle Days of Natal (1497-1845)
Writing: Graham Mackeurtan
Item: Zulu Bird Names and Bird Lore
Writing: Adrian Koopman
Item: Zulu Plant Names
Writing: Adrian Koopman
Item: Compartive Grammer of South African Languages
Writing: Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek
Item: A Vocabulary of the [K-word] Language
Writing: John Ayliff
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: Korte Geschiedenis van Zuid-Afrika: Van 1486 tot 1835
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa
Writing: Robert Moffat
Writing: David Livingstone
Item: My Life in Basuto Land: A Story of Missionary Enterprise in South Africa
Writing: Eugène Casalis
Item: A Short History of South Africa
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: History of the AbaMbo Generally Known as Fingos
Writing: John Ayliff
Writing: Joseph Whiteside
Item: U Nongqause
Writing: Samuel Edward Krune Mqhayi
Item: The Passing of Black Kings
Writing: Hugh Marshall Hole
Item: Shaka Zulu: The Rise of the Zulu Empire
Writing: Ernest Augustus Ritter
Writing: Samuel James Halford
Item: The Diary of Dr. Andrew Smith Vol.1
Editing: Percival R. Kirby
Writing: Andrew Smith
Item: An African Attila: Tales of the Zulu Reign of Terror
Writing: Philip Arnold Stuart
Item: Zulu-English Dictionary
Writing: John William Colenso
Item: Voyage dans l'Afrique Australe
Writing: Adulphe Delegorgue
Item: Isabelo sikaZulu
Writing: Petros Lamula
Item: A [K-word]-English Dictionary of the Zulu-[K-word] Language
Writing: James Perrin
Writing: S. M. Molema
Item: A Concise English-[K-word] Dictionary
Writing: J. Mclaren
Item: A Comparative Study of the Bantu and Semi-Bantu Languages (volume 1)
Writing: Harry H. Johnston
Item: A Comparative Study of the Bantu and Semi-Bantu Languages (volume 2)
Writing: Harry H. Johnston
Item: Basuto Traditions
Writing: James Comyn Macgregor
Item: Sport and War; or, Recollections of Fighting and Hunting in South Africa from the Years 1834 to 1867
Writing: John Jarvis Bisset
Item: Travels in the Interior of South Africa vol. II
Writing: James Chapman
Item: Decada Primeira da Asia
Writing: João de Barros
Item: Asia Portuguesa
Writing: Manvel de Faria Y Sovsa
Item: Ethiopia Oriental
Writing: João dos Santos
Item: Le bx Joseph Gérard O.M.I.: l'Apôtre des Basotho
Writing: Y. Beaudoin
Item: Le Bienheureux Joseph Gérard O.M.I.: l'Apôtre des Basotho
Writing: Y. Beaudoin
Item: Jeqe the Body-Servant of King Tshaka
Writing: John Dube
Item: I-bali Lama Mfengu
Writing: Richard Tainton Kawa
Item: U-Adonisi Wasentlango
Writing: S.B. Hobson and G.C. Hobson
Item: Livingstone's Travels and Researches in Southern Africa
Writing: David Livingstone
Item: South Africa
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: The Native Races of South Africa
Editing: G.M. Theal
Writing: George William Stow
Item: Travels and Adventures in Southern Africa vol. II
Writing: George Thompson
Item: A Vist to King Ketshwayo
Editing: John William Colenso
Writing: Magema Magwaza Fuze
Item: The Native Races of South Africa
Editing: George McCall Theal
Writing: George William Stow
Item: Primo Volume e Terza Editione Delle Navigationi et Viaggi
Writing: Giovanni Battista Ramusio
Item: Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa
Writing: Robert Moffat
Editing: John William Colenso
Writing: Magema Magwaza Fuze
Writing: William Ngidi
Writing: Undiane Ngobane
Item: The Progress of Prince Alfred Through South Africa
Writing: Prince Albert, Consort
Item: History of the Zulu War
Writing: Alexander Wilmot
Item: History of the Zulu War and its Origin
Writing: Frances E. Colenso
Item: The Ruin of Zululand vol. II
Writing: Frances E. Colenso
Item: The Ruin of Zululand vol. I
Writing: Frances E. Colenso
Writing: Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek
Item: The Pentateuch and the Book of Joshua Critically Examined
Writing: John William Colenso
Editing: Anne Mackenzie
Item: A Dictionary of the [K-word] Language: Including the Xosa and Zulu Dialects
Writing: William J. Davis
Item: Far Out: Rovings Retold
Writing: William F. Butler
Item: Perils in the Transvaal
Writing: Rev. Henry Cadwallader Adams
Item: South Africa: Its History, Heroes and Wars
Writing: William Douglas Mackenzie
Item: A Defence of Zululand and its King
Writing: Florence Dixie
Item: A Lady's Life and Travels in Zululand and the Transvaal During Cetewayo's Reign
Writing: Annie Margaret Wilkinson
Item: Cetywayo and his White Neighbours
Writing: Henry Rider Haggard
Item: On the Missions to the Zulus in Natal and Zululand. A Lecture.
Writing: John William Colenso
Item: L'Imphy ou Roseau Sucré des [K-word] -Zulu
Writing: Léonard Wray
Item: Les Expéditions Anglaises en Afrique
Writing: Albert Septans
Item: The Life and Times of Sir George Grey, K.C.B.
Writing: William Lee Rees
Item: A Sketch of the [K-word] and Zulu Wars
Writing: Henry Hallam Parr
Item: A Historical Geography of the British Colonies Vol. IV: South and East Africa, Part I
Writing: C. P. Lucas
Item: A Historical Geography of the British Colonies Vol. IV: South and East Africa, Part II
Writing: C. P. Lucas
Item: Toward the Mountains of the Moon: A Journey in East Africa
Writing: M. A. Pringle
Item: Khopotso ea Bongoana
Writing: R.L. Motsatse
Writing: Henri A. Junod
Item: Senkatana
Writing: Sophonia Machabe Mofokeng
Item: A Year's Housekeeping in South Africa
Writing: Mary Anne Barker
Item: An Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa, in the Years 1797 and 1798
Writing: John Barrow
Item: Life in the Wilderness or Wanderings in South Africa
Writing: Henry H. Methuen
Item: Memorials of South Africa
Writing: Barnabas Shaw
Item: Narrative of an Expedition into Southern Africa
Writing: William C. Harris
Item: Personal Adventure: South Africa
Writing: George Brown
Item: The Bechuana of South Africa
Writing: William Crisp
Item: Among the Zulus: The Adventures of Hans Sterk, South African Hunter and Pioneer
Writing: Alfred Wilks Drayson
Item: An English-Zulu Dictionary. With the Principles of Pronunciation and Classification Fully Explained
Writing: Charles Roberts
Item: Captured by Zulus: A Story of Trapping in Africa
Writing: Harry Prentice
Item: Introductory Grammar of the Ngoni (Zulu) Language, As Spoken in Mombera's Country
Writing: W.A. Elmslie
Item: The Story of the Zulu Campaign
Writing: Waller Ashe
Item: The Zulu Companion, Offered to the Natal Colonist, To Facilitate his Intercourse with the Natives
Writing: C.W. Posselt
Item: A Fragment of Basuto History
Writing: G.M. Theal
Item: An Elementary Sketch of Se-Suto Grammar
Writing: Édouard Jacottet
Item: Notes Toward a Secoana Grammar
Writing: William Crisp
Item: Records of the Cape Colony: From October to December 1827
Editing: George McCall Theal
Item: Reynard the Fox in South Africa; or, Hottentot Fables and Tales
Writing: Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek
Item: The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa
Writing: Jules Verne
Item: The Gospel Among the Bechuanas and Other Tribes
Writing: Samuel I. Prime
Item: The Life of Africaner: A Namagqua Chief, of South Africa
Writing: John Campbell
Item: Travels in South Africa
Writing: John Campbell
Item: Wanderings and Adventures in the Interior of Southern Africa Vol. II
Writing: Andrew Steedman
Item: Four Years in Southern Africa
Writing: Cowper Rose
Item: The Findings of the All African Convention (Pamphlet Three)
Writing: Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu
Item: The Immortal History of South Africa vol. 1
Writing: William Reeves
Item: My Command in South Africa
Writing: Arthur Thurlow Cunynghame
Item: Three Great African Chiefs (Khame, Sebele and Bathoeng)
Writing: Edwin Lloyd
Item: Day-Dawn in Dark Places: A Story of Wanderings and Work in Bechwanaland
Writing: John Mackenzie
Writing: John Mackenzie
Item: Secwana Dictionary
Writing: John Brown
Writing: F. Hermann Kruger
Item: Umbuso ka Shaka
Writing: Rider Haggard
Writing: F. L. Ntuli
Item: A Grammar of the Bechuana Language
Writing: James Archbell
Item: Inkanankana
Writing: James Shadrack Mkhulunyelwa Matsebula
Item: Cape of Good Hope. Bechuanaland Rebellion. 1897
Writing: W.E.M. Stanford and J. Rose Innes
Item: The Transvaal and Bechuanaland
Writing: G. B. Clark
Writing: Robert Moffat
Item: Indlela Yababi
Writing: Rolfes Robert Reginald Dhlomo
Editing: George McCall Theal
Editing: H. C. Schunke Holloway
Item: History of South Africa: From the Foundation of European Settlement to Our Own Times (1834-1854)
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: Lihela tsa Tihélo ea Morimo: Tse ri Kuariloeng mo Puong ea Secuana
Writing: Robert Moffat
Item: Lihela Tsa Tuto Le Puluko Tsa Yesu Kereste
Writing: Robert Moffat
Item: IzaKhiwo zamaSwazi
Writing: James Shadrack Mkhulunyelwa Matsebula
Item: Chaka
Writing: Thomas Mofolo
Item: South African Treaties, Conventions, Agreements, and State Papers
Editing: A. N. Macfadyen
Item: South Africa in My Time
Writing: George Heaton Nicholls
Item: Buka ea Pokello ea Mekhoa ea ba-Sothole Maele le Litsomo
Writing: Azariele Sekese
Item: Isita Somuntu Nguye Uqobo Lwake
Writing: John Langalibalele Dube
Item: Ukuzipatha Kahle (Good Manners)
Writing: John Langalibalele Dube
Writing: Edward Elers Napier
Item: [K-word] Folk-Lore
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: Ho tla ha Lebenya Paballong
Writing: Samuel Duby Raymond Sutu-Mthimkhulu
Item: Zulu Legends
Writing: W.H.I. Bleek
Item: A Practical Method to Learn Sesotho
Writing: Édouard Jacottet
Item: Langalibalele and the AmaHlubi Tribe
Writing: John Colenso
Item: Mekhoa le Maele a Ba-Sotho
Writing: Azariel Sekese
Item: Moeti oa Bochabela
Writing: Thomas Mofolo
Item: Sesuto English Dictionary
Writing: Adolphe Mabille
Item: Thuto tsa Palisho
Item: Grammar e Nyenyane ea Sesotho: e Etselitsoeng Likolo tsa Lesotho
Writing: Édouard Jacottet
Item: In the Lesuto: A Sketch of African Mission Life
Writing: John Widdicombe
Item: Soldiers of the Cross in Zululand
Writing: E.W. and H.W.
Item: Storm and Sunshine in South Africa
Writing: Rosamond Southey
Item: The Origin of the Bantu
Writing: Johan Frederik van Oordt
Item: Through the Zulu Country: Its Battlefields and its People
Writing: Bertram Mitford
Item: A Holiday in South Africa
Writing: R. W. Leyland
Item: Fifty Years of the History of the Republic in South Africa 1795-1845. Vo. 1.
Writing: J. C. Voigt
Item: The Zulu Army and Zulu Headmen
Writing: Frederick Fynney
Item: Memoir Respecting the Colonisation of Natal, in South-Eastern Africa
Writing: S. Bannister
Item: Memoir Respecting the [K-word], Hottentots, and Bosjemans, of South Africa. Vol. 1.
Writing: J. Sutherland
Item: Memoir Respecting the [K-word], Hottentots, and Bosjemans, of South Africa. Vol. 2.
Writing: J. Sutherland
Item: Narrative of a Residence in South Africa
Writing: Thomas Pringle
Item: Descriptive Catalogue of the South African Museum. Part 1. Mammalia
Writing: Andrew Smith
Item: A Remonstrance on Behalf of the Zulu Chiefs. 1889.
Writing: Frank Campbell Dumat
Writing: Harry Escombe
Item: An Easy Zulu Vocabularly and Phrase Book, With Grammatical Notes
Editing: R.C.O. Samuelson
Writing: Samuel Gibbs
Item: Annals of the Natal Government Museum
Editing: Ernest Warren
Item: The Beginning of South African History
Writing: G. M. Theal
Item: The History of the Great Boer Trek
Editing: William Broderick-Cloete
Writing: Henry Cloete
Item: Zulu Simplified
Writing: Franz Mayr
Item: A First [K-word] Course
Writing: C.J. Crawshaw
Item: Mr. Archibald Forbes and the Zulu War
Writing: N.L. Walford
Item: Incwadi Yezihlabelelo
Item: [K-word] scholar's companion
Writing: I. Bud M'Beller
Item: The Wrongs of the [K-word] Nation. A Narrative
Writing: Justus
Item: The Rise of South Africa vol. II. From 1820 to 1834
Writing: G.E. Cory
Item: A New Geography of South Africa
Writing: J. Whiteside
Item: Fairy Tales from South Africa
Writing: W. Herbert Holloway
Writing: J.B. Drake
Writing: E.J. Bourhill
Item: Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa
Writing: John Barrow
Writing: Henry Hall
Item: Papers on the Political Situation in South Africa, 1885-1895
Writing: Charles Leonard
Item: Peace or War in South Africa
Writing: A.M.S. Methuen
Item: South Africa
Writing: Dudley Kidd
Item: [K-word] Essays and Other Pieces: With an English Translation
Editing: H. Woodrooffe, Mrs Lange, and H.T. Waters
Item: My Chief and I, Or, Six Months in Natal After the Langalibalele Outbreak
Writing: Atherton Wylde
Item: Zulu Orthography
Writing: James Stuart
Item: The isiZulu
Writing: Lewis Grout
Item: The Political Situation
Writing: Olive Schreiner and C.S. Cronwright-Schreiner
Item: The Story of My Mission in South-Eastern Africa
Writing: William Shaw
Item: The Story of South Africa
Writing: John Clark Ridpath and Edward S. Ellis
Item: The Life of John William Colenso , D.D.
Writing: George William Cox
Item: Captain Allen Gardiner of Patagonia - Jesse Page
Writing: Jesse Page
Item: The Origin of the Xosas & Others
Writing: James McKay
Item: The Transvaal Surrounded
Writing: W.J. Leyds
Item: Black and White in South East Africa
Writing: Maurice Smethurst Evans
Item: Tshaka
Writing: Brownlee J. Ross
Item: Catholic Zulu Terminology
Writing: Willibald Wanger
Item: Inkondlo ka Zulu
Writing: Benedict Wallet Vilakazi
Item: Amal'eZulu
Writing: Benedict Wallet Vilakazi
Item: Zulu Horizon
Writing: Benedict Wallet Vilakazi
Item: Ucakijana Bogcololo
Writing: Alban H. S. Mbata and Garland Clement S. Mdhladhla
Item: Uguqabadele
Writing: M. J. Mpanza
Item: A familiar talk upon my native land: and some things found there.
Writing: John Langalibalele Dube
Item: African societies in Southern Africa: historical studies
Editing: Leonard Thompson
Item: An African explains apartheid
Writing: Jordan K. Ngubane
Item: South Africa in My Time
Item: The Pagan Soul
Item: The hound of heaven
Writing: Francis Thompson
Item: Uzwelonke
Item: S.E.K. Mqhayi. Iziganeko zesizwe: occasional poems (1900 - 1943)
Editing: Jeff Opland
Editing: Peter T. Mtuze
Writing: Samuel Edward Krune Mqhayi
Item: Abantu besizwe. Historical and biographical writings, 1902 - 1944. S.E.K. Mqhayi
Editing: Jeff Opland
Writing: Samuel Edward Krune Mqhayi
Item: Inkabi nentaka emhlophe
Item: Kgomo le leholosiane
Item: Izaci namaqhalo esiXhosa
Item: Zulu in three tenses
Item: Public intellectuals in South Africa. Critical voices from the past
Editing: C. Broodryk
Item: Draft manuscript
Item: Tonemes of Xhosa
Item: The [K-word] Revolt of 1873
Writing: J. Westlake
Item: Sikonyela's Account - The Friend of the Sovereignty (10 December 1853)
Writing: Sekonyela waMokotjo
Item: A people in transition: the Hlubi in Natal 1848 - 1877
Writing: Andrew Manson
Writing: C.W. Cousins
Item: Ambivalent. Photography and visibility in African history
Editing: Patricia Hayes
Editing: Gary Minkley
Item: Reading from the South. African print cultures and oceanic turns in Isabel Hofmeyr's work
Editing: Charne Lavery
Editing: Sarah Nuttall
Item: Intombi yolahleko
Writing: Enoch F. Gwashu
Item: E-Indiya nase East Africa (Uhambelo lomNgqika eMpumalanga)
Writing: D.D.T. Jabavu
Item: E-Jerusalem. uhambelo luka DDT Jabavu (UMngqika) Kwi si-Xeko esi-Ncwele.
Writing: D.D.T. Jabavu
Item: E Lundini lothukela
Writing: James J.R. Jolobe
Item: U Nomsa intombi yakwaZulu
Writing: Reba Paeff Mirsky
Item: Webb's Guide to the official records of the Colony of Natal
Writing: Natal government publications
Item: Izibalo zika Longmans. Zezikolo zabantsundu bomzantsi Afrika
Writing: S. Sinton
Item: Intsomi. Bantu folk-lore
Writing: R.M. Agar-O'connell
Item: Outlines of [K-word] grammar
Writing: James Stewart
Item: Xosa-[K-word] grammar, with a few dialogues and a [K-word] tale
Writing: J. Torrend, S.J.
Item: Imibengo
Editing: W.G. Bennie
Item: Ntsikana
Writing: John Knox Bokwe
Item: Amanqakwana eentshumayelo
Writing: Godfrey Callaway
Item: U Tiyo Soga
Writing: J.A. Chalmers
Item: Kufundwa ngamava
Writing: Minazana Dana
Item: Ukufuka kukamadodana
Writing: Siyola Dazana
Item: Zulu References
Writing: Carl Faye
Item: Ujujuju nomhla ngenqaba
Writing: Zora Z.T. Futshane
Item: Amasalela
Writing: Enoch Fikile Gwashu
Item: Umathandela
Writing: Mundell M. Gwegwe
Item: Towards reflexive method in archaeology
Editing: Ian Hodder
Editing: James J.R. Jolobe
Item: Towards an African Literature. The emergence of literary form in Xhosa
Writing: Archibald Campbell Jordan
Item: Nozipho
Writing: Stephen V. Mlotywa
Item: Law'ilahle
Writing: Aaron Mazambana Mmango
Item: Xhosa manual
Writing: Francis Stephen Mabutha Mncube
Item: Ukusetyenziswa kwesiXhosa. Kwibanga Lesithandathu kude kuye kwelesibozo
Writing: M.M. Ndamase and S. Ngomti
Item: Ulwimi lakowethu. Ibanga III.
Writing: Herbert Walter Pahl and Siyola Dazana
Item: Zemk'inkomo magwalandini
Writing: Walter B. Rubusana
Item: Ubulumko bezinja
Writing: Rustum Siyongwana
Item: Umfundisi wasemThuqwasi (I-noveli)
Writing: Guybon B. Sinxo
Item: Imfene ka Debeza (umdlalo)
Writing: Guybon B. Sinxo
Item: UNonzuzo
Writing: Rose Silinga
Item: Zemk'inkomo magwalandini!
Writing: W.B. Rubusana
Item: Umzi ontsundu
Writing: B.J. Ross
Item: Imiteto nezinye inxoxo
Writing: B.J. Ross
Item: Amabali emfazwe zakwa-Xosa
Writing: B.J. Ross
Item: Amabalana ngo bomi buka Rev. Charles Pamla
Writing: George Pamla
Item: Ubom bomfi Rev. P.J. Mzimba
Writing: Livingstone Ntibane Mzimba
Item: Incwadi yesiXosa yabaqalayo
Writing: Rev. Candlish Koti
Item: Farming for South Africa Schools. Book 1
Editing: Rev. W.G. Dowsley
Item: Oxford Xhosa readers. UNjovana noNjozana. Incwadi yesiXhosa yabafunda ku-B
Writing: Herbert Walter Pahl
Item: Oxford Xhosa readers. Iincwadi zesiXhosa zaseOxford
Writing: Herbert Walter Pahl
Item: Oxford Xhosa readers. Incwadi zesiXhosa zase Oxford. Ibanga 6
Writing: Herbert Walter Pahl
Item: Oxford Xhosa readers. Incwadi yesiXhosa yabaqalayo
Writing: Herbert Walter Pahl
Item: Oxford Xhosa readers. Standard I. Ukuhamba yimfundo
Writing: Herbert Walter Pahl
Item: Zonwabise
Writing: P.M. Ntloko
Item: Isitha
Writing: P.M. Ntloko
Item: Iqhazu. Imihobe yabantwana besikolo
Writing: P.M. Ntloko
Item: UNomathamsanqa nosiGebenga
Writing: Henry Masila Ndawo
Item: Uhambo luka Gqobhoka
Writing: Henry Masila Ndawo
Item: Hayi lo mlomo
Writing: Gertrude J. Mdledle
Item: UNomnyamezeli
Writing: Elishia Griselda Ntombomhlaba Mda
Item: Unyana wolahleko
Writing: P.M. Lutshete
Item: Indyebo kaXhosa
Writing: Goodwill Soya Mama
Item: Indyebo kaXhosa
Writing: Goodwill Soya Mama
Item: UThandiwe waka Gcaleka
Writing: Letitia Kakaza
Item: IziDungulwana
Writing: Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu
Item: Imbumba yamaNyama
Writing: Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu
Item: I rafu zaba-ntu
Writing: Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu
Item: E Jerusalem. Uhambelo luka D.D.T. Jabavu
Writing: Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu
Item: E Amerika. U-welo luka D.D.T. Jabavu (Um-Ngqika)
Writing: Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu
Item: U-Pumzo okanye umfana wase Qagqiwa (Inoveli)
Writing: D.S. Petana
Item: Statutes of Natal 1845-1899
Editing: R.L. Hitchins
Item: Temo har'a ba Batso ba South Africa - Maruti Bernard Huss Motsamaisi oa Sekolo
Writing: Bernard Huss
Writing: Motsamaisi oa Sekolo
Item: Tsuni-
Writing: Theophilus Hahn
Item: History of the Abambo
Writing: John Ayliff
Writing: Joseph Whiteside
Item: Peace, the Mother of Nations
Writing: Mosebi Damane
Item: Imibengo - ["Titbits" An anthology of Xhosa prose and poetry]
Writing: W.G. Bennie
Item: John Dunn, Cetywayo and the Three Generals
Writing: D.C.F. Moodie
Item: Bukana ea Histori ea Lesotho e ngolletsoeng likolo
Writing: Édouard Jacottet
Item: Criticisms of the native bills (pamphlet one)
Writing: Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu
Item: Native disabilities in South Africa
Writing: Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu
Writing: Richard William Murray
Item: Miss Colenso as an Aid to Justice and Peace in Zululand
Writing: Francis Ernest Colenso
Item: Retief-Dingaan Treaty
Writing: African World
Item: The Present Position among the Zulus
Writing: Harriette Emily Colenso
Item: Natal's Part in the Langalibalele Rebellion
Writing: William Beaumont
Item: Zulu Medicine and Medicine Men
Writing: Alfred T. Bryant
Item: A Brief Account of Bushman Folk-lore and Other Texts
Writing: Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek
Item: A Short Account of Further Bushman Material Collected
Writing: Lucy Catherine Lloyd
Writing: Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek
Item: The Influence of English on Bantu Language
Writing: Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu
Item: Ethnographical Notes in Tonga Dictated by Natives
Writing: No attribution
Item: The girl who killed to save: Nongqause the liberator; a play
Writing: Herbert I.E. Dhlomo
Item: The Twelve Lunar Months amount the Basuto - Justinus Sechefo in Anthropos (v.4 1909 & v.5 1910)
Writing: Justinus Sechefo
Item: Commission on Laws and Customs of the Basutos, 1873
Writing: Henry Barkly
Item: The [K-word] Revolt of 1873
Writing: J. Westlake
Item: Sikonyela's Account - The Friend of the Sovereignty (10 December 1853)
Writing: Sekonyela waMokotjo
Item: Nhlapo Commission report. Determinations on the position of the paramount chiefs
Writing: Nhlapo Commission report
Item: A people in transition: the Hlubi in Natal 1848 - 1877
Writing: Andrew Manson
Item: Hermannsburger Missionsblatt vol 21 - 1874
Writing: Hermannsburger Missionsblatt
Item: Hermannsburger Missionsblatt vol 10 - 1863
Writing: Hermannsburger Missionsblatt
Item: Chapter 14: [K-word] music on By Veldt and Kopje
Writing: William Charles Scully
Item: Documents relating to the [K-word] War of 1835
Writing: George McCall Theal
Item: Report and Proceedings with Appendices of the Government Commission on Native Laws and Customs
Writing: J.D. Barry
Item: Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review, July - October 1878
Writing: No author