Khopotso ea Bongoana


Khopotso ea Bongoana

Scope and Content

[Source - Henry Fagan for FHYA, 2022: A copy of the book by R.L. Motsatse. It is written in Sesotho. It appears to be composed of memories from Motsatse's childhood in Lesotho.]



Khopotso ea Bongoana

[ Source of title : FHYA using Ratsebe L. Motsatse's material ]

Material Designation

Textual record

Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND

Descriptions and Notes

Given the date of the author's death is unknown, the copyright of this text is uncertain, but by our estimation, it is likely to be in the public domain. Pages 1-2 were missing from this book and they are thus missing from this scanned copy. Given the fragile condition of this copy of the book, the scanning was undertaken in such a way as to avoid stressing the pages, causing many of the pages to appear uneven.

Archival History

[Source - Henry Fagan for FHYA, 2022: Written by Ratsebe L. Motsatse before 1938. Published by Sesuto Book Depot in Morija in 1938. A copy was acquired by University of Cape Town Libraries at an unknown date. It was loaned to and digitised by FHYA in March 2022. Uploaded by Benathi Marufu for FHYA in March 2022.]

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2022- Digitised by the FHYA in March 2022
University of Cape Town Libraries Custody 19-?
Sesuto Book Depot Publication 1938
R.L. Motsatse Writing before 1938
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Khopotso ea Bongoana


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