Zulu Legends


Zulu Legends

Scope and Content

[Source - Henry Fagan for FHYA, 2022: A copy of W.H.I. Bleek's book. The book is composed of 30 accounts of stories and historical practises of the Zulu people. These are written in isiZulu with accompanying translations in English.]



Zulu Legends

[ Source of title : FHYA using Wilhelm Bleek's material ]

Material Designation

Textual record

Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Descriptions and Notes

This book was published as part of a limited edition print run restricted to 350 copies of the book. This is number 328. Photos of the book were taken, as opposed to being scanned, because UCT Libraries did not permit the book to be removed from the library and the scanners in the library could not be made to function.

Archival History

[Source - Henry Fagan for FHYA, 2022: Written by W.H.I. Bleek before 1868 drawing on oral information acquired from African interlocutors between 1855 and 1856. This edition was edited by J.A. Engelbrecht before 1952. It was published by J.L. van Schaik, ltd. In Pretoria in 1952. A copy was acquired by UCT Libraries at an unknown date. Photos of the book and its contents were taken and digitised by FHYA in May 2022. Uploaded by Benathi Marufu for FHYA in May 2022.]

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2022- Digitised by FHYA in May 2022
UCT Libraries Custody [YYYY]
J.L. van Schaik, ltd. Publication 1952
W.H.I. Bleek Writing before 1968
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Zulu Legends


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