DSS84 Accession Record page 1


DSS84 Accession Record page 1



DSS84 Accession Record page 1

[ Source of title : Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using Msunduzi Museum materials ]

Material Designation

Textual record

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Descriptions and Notes

Transcription [Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018, using Msunduzi materials: Addisionele Inligting: Kenners meen die krale is van verskeie waarskynlik ingevoer deur die Portugese en deur die Engelse handelaars van Natal aan die Zoeloes verkoop of verruil. Het moontlik aan die Koninginne behoort. Onderweros Hoof/de: Vowkekunde Title Spesifieke Naam/Titel: Krale-Kroonjuwele Aanwinsno: DSS84 Datum: 05/01/83 Tydelike/Leningsno: Ras: Zoeloe Volksnaam/Skrywer Medeling: Umgexe wamaqanda, basho owendlovukazi Oorsprong: Verskeie Vindplek: Umgewing van Moorsplaas, N. Natal Materiaal: Glas Metode van Vervaardering/Tegniek: Fabriek Funksie: Verseering Mate: Van 17 mm tot 64 mm in omtrek Kleur: Rooi - wit, groen, swart, blou Styl: Verdere Beskrywing: 14 verskillende tipes krale op een string; 2 groot rooies - gebreek en met wit binne; 2 kleiner groen krale ook stukkend; 2 swart krale; 2 lig groen krale - stukkend; 1 blou krale; 2 rooies; 2 klein groenies Geskiedenis: Toestand: Party goed, party stukkend Restorasie: Aanskaffing: Uit versameling van Ds. P. Stander destyds van Dingaanstat sending stasie 1949-1974. Uit versameling van wyk Mnr. Paul. Bestuurde destyds van Moordplaas was in ǹ kleipot wat oopgespoel het.] Attributions and conjectures: [Source - Translated from Afrikaans into English by Athos Rushovich for FHYA, 2018, using Msunduzi materials: Additional Information: Experts are of the opinion that the beads are from varying origins and are likely to have been imported by Portuguese and English traders and were sold to or traded with the Zulus. Possibly owned by the Queens Subject Heading/s: Specific Name/Title: Beads and Crown Jewels Accession No.: DSS84 Date: 05/01/83 Temp/Loan No.: Race: Zulu Indiginous[sic] Name/Author Statement: Umgexe wamaqanda, basho owendlovukazi Origin: Various Location: Vicinity of Moordplaas, Northern Natal Material: Glass Method of Manufacture/Technique: Fabricated Function: Decoration Measurements: Between 17mm and 64mm in diameter Colour: Red, white, green, black, blue Style: Further Description: 14 different types of beads on one string; 2 large red ones, broken, with a white interior; 2 smaller green beads, also broken; 2 black beads; 2 light green beads, broken; 1 blue one; 2 red ones; 3 small green ones History: Condition: Some in good condition, others broken Restoration: Acquisition: From the collection of Pastor P Stander, at the time, resident of Dingaan Street Mission Station (1949 - 1974). A clay pot that washed up was acquired from the collection of Mr Paul van Wyk , who was, at the time, the manager of Moordplaas]

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2017 - Digital image by Msunduzi Museum Collection
Msunduzi Museum incorporating the Voortrekker Complex Custody YYYY -
Natal Museum Services Custody 1983/01/05 -
No attribution Making YYYY
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