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Component 2 (view 1)

[ Source of title : Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using AMAFA materials ]

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Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND Unless otherwise stated the copyright of all material on the FHYA resides with the contributing institution/custodian.

Descriptions and Notes

Attributions and conjectures [Source - Michelle House for FHYA, 2020, using AMAFA materials: Diagnostic fauna are pieces of animal bone which can be identified to a species level. In this excavation, these mostly comprise cattle, goat and sheep bones from the food that people ate. From this data, archaeologists are able to extract information on the diets of the people who lived at sites. Important information can also be extracted from the animal bones themselves, such as butchering and slaughtering strategies. Scientific techniques are also able to extract information on what food the animals ate. This gives information on the environment during the occupation of a site, provisioning and herding strategies.]

Attributions and conjectures [Source - Michelle House for FHYA, 2020, using AMAFA materials: Box 4 contains 2 packets of diagnostic bone.]

Transcription [Source - Michelle House for FHYA 2020, using Amafa Box marking: Box 4]

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2021 - Digital image by Michelle House
Amafa / Heritage KwaZulu Natali - provincial heritage conservation agency (AMAFA) Custody 1995 -
Len van Schalkwyk Excavation-collection 1995
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