Placeholder for editors' annotated photocopies of the James Stuart Papers pertinent to Baleka ka Mpitikezi


Placeholder for editors' annotated photocopies of the James Stuart Papers pertinent to Baleka ka Mpitikezi

Scope and Content

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2021: The editors of the published volumes of 'The James Stuart Archive of Recorded Oral Evidence Relating to the History of the Zulu and Neighbouring People' (6 vols.) arranged and used these annotated photocopies of the James Stuart Papers to prepare the published texts.]



Placeholder for editors' annotated photocopies of the James Stuart Papers pertinent to Baleka ka Mpitikezi

[ Source of title : [Source - John Wright, 2020: The name 'Mpitikezi' (which would be written as Mphithikezi in modern orthography) appears as 'Mpitikazi' in the James Stuart Archive, vol. 1, as the result of an editorial error.] ]

Material Designation

Textual record

Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2018 -
John Wright Compilation 1971 - 2017 Selection, arrangement and annotation by John Wright of photocopies of Stuart's handwritten notes supplied by KCAL
Killie Campbell Africana Library (KCAL) Custody 1949 -
James Stuart Interview-recording 1919/07/15 - 1919/07/26
Baleka ka Mpitikezi Interlocution 1919/07/15 - 1919/07/26
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