Doll, Catalogue card 6208




Doll, Catalogue card 6208

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Descriptions and Notes

Transcription [Source - Nothando Shabalala for FHYA, 2023: All text handwritten in black ink unless otherwise specified. Direct quotes are indicated in quote marks, with additions indicated in square brackets.]: "[Top left-hand corner, written in pencil:] XM CJ NAME: DOLL. [handwritten in black ink] CULTURAL AFFINITY: FINGO (HLUBI TRIBE] [handwritten in black ink] CATALOGUE No.: 6208 *120/222 [handwritten in black ink, *handwritten in pencil] CARD No.: 7e11 [Geographic area/community as per the category indicated on the Catalogue Card, which corresponds with "Hlubi/Mfengu Underberg, Natal"] [handwritten in pencil] PROVENANCE: UNDERBERG AREA [handwritten in black ink] SOURCE: DON [handwritten in black ink] FUNCTION: HALL - "THE PARENTS OF THE BRIDE, HAVING HAD MUTI PUT INTO THIS BOTTLE BY A DOCTOR, DECORATE IT WITH BEADS ETC. REPRESENTING A MALE USUALLY DESIRED BY NEWLY WEDS,...) THE BRIDE CARRIES THIS DOLL, AS SHE WOULD A CHILD, TIED ON BEHIND HER, WHEREVER SHE M[A]Y GO, RIGHT UP UNTIL HER FIRST CHILD IS BORN." [handwritten in black ink] RAW MATERIALS: BOTTLE, MATERIAL, LEATHER; BEADS - ORANGE, PALE BLUE, RED, YELLOW, GREEN, DARK BLUE, BLUE, BLACK, GLASS GREEN, WHITE. [handwritten in black ink] COMMENTS: BOWDEN - "I GOT IT FROM A MAN... NAMED HALL... WOULD BE ABOUT 110 YEARS... HE LET ME HAVE IT SOME 30 YEARS AGO." HALL - "THIS CURIO IS SOMEWHAT RARE, AS I HAVE ONLY SEE TWO OF THEM DURING 20 YEARS AMONGST THE TRIBES IN THE RESERVES..." L. WALDMAN - " THE HALL INFORMATION COMES FROM A COVERING LETTER SENT WITH THE DOLL BOWDEN GIVES SIMILAR INFORMATION W[H]ICH IS NOT NOTED HERE." SEE 5549A.8. LOST NUMBER: MATCHED[.] SEPT. 1994. FRANS PRINS (H.O.D.) "CULTAFF + PROV. PROBABLY CORRECT - THE MFENGU WERE ORIGINALLY HLUBI, + THERE ARE HLUBI ALL ALONG THE DRAKENSBERG." [handwritten in black ink] METHOD OBTAINED: DON. D. H. BOWDEN[,] 29.02.1988[,] 16 JESMOND ROAD [handwritten in black ink] CROSS REFS: 222 [handwritten in black ink]

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2023- Nothando Shabalala digitised this material on behalf of the FHYA
KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZNM) Custody 1978- Record-keeping undertaken by staff at the Department of Human Sciences at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum
No attribution Making 1996- Staff at the Department of Human Sciences at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum added to this catalogue card post 1996
Kathleen Mack Making 1978-1996 Card was written by Kathleen Mack between 1978 and 1996.
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