An FHYA selection of photographs from the Duggan-Cronin collection at the McGregor Museum

Scope and Content

[Source of metadata: FHYA, 2024, using verbatim description from the Walthers collection website: In 1929, Alfred Martin Duggan-Cronin, an Irish-South African who lived in the mining town of Kimberley, set out to depict what he considered to be the disappearing indigenous populations of South Africa. His monumental study, titled The Bantu Tribes of South Africa, draws upon tens of thousands of photographs taken during years of travel within the region, meticulously classified by what he viewed as tribe and group. He published the images in eleven volumes, paired with descriptive captions and anthropological essays. Here, Duggan-Cronin's photographs portray black South African subjects as inhabitants of seemingly timeless and archaic rural areas, bound to customs of the past. While renowned for their superior technical composition, and described by Nelson Mandela as "a matter of national pride," Duggan-Cronin's photographs have also been criticized for reducing black subjects to ethnographic types.]



An FHYA selection of photographs from the Duggan-Cronin collection at the McGregor Museum

[ Source of title : FHYA ]

Material Designation

Photographic image

Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2024-


Item: Hlubi man

Item: Hlubi youth

Item: Hlubi youth

Item: Hlubi man

Item: Hlubi youth

Item: Hlubi Kwedin

Item: Hlubi youth

Item: Hlubi youth

Item: Hlubi youth

Item: Hlubi man

Item: Hlubi youth

Item: Hlubi man

Item: Hlubi Kwedin

Item: Hlubi Kwedin

Item: Hlubi man

Item: Hlubi Umfana

Item: Hlubi youths

Item: Hlubi men

Item: Hlubi youths

Item: Hlubi youths

Item: Hlubi bride

Item: Hlubi bride

Item: Hlubi woman

Item: Hlubi woman

Item: Hlubi girl

Item: Hlubi girls

Item: Hlubi woman

Item: Hlubi woman

Item: Hlubi woman

Item: Hlubi woman

Item: Hlubi woman

Item: Hlubi bride

Item: Hlubi girls

Item: Hlubi kraal

Item: Hlubi hut

Item: Hlubi huts

Item: Hlubi sleigh

Item: Hlubi ntombi

Item: Hlubi girls

Item: Hlubi girl

Item: Hlubi Kwedin

Item: Hlubi Umfana


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