Maphumulo Nsibandze, experimental typescript


Maphumulo Nsibandze, experimental typescript



Maphumulo Nsibandze, experimental typescript

[ Source of title : FHYA using WITS materials ]

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Textual record

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Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND

Descriptions and Notes

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2017: This typescript was part of an experimental attempt by Swaziland Oral History Project in the early 1990s in producing edited English texts based on original interviews. The experiments were regarded as unsuccessful and the edited typescripts experimental as research materials. The FHYA includes this material in the exemplar because the typed text is searchable and thus has the capacity to act as a form of "index" to the handwritten transcripts and the original sound recordings. This is in line with the FHYA's commitment to the principle of maximum word-based searchability.] Attributions and conjectures [Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2021, using SWOHP materials: Title: When Lohiya went there, he took the indvuna-ship. It was seen that this man is clever. [ALL THE OTHER TITLES DO NOT CAPTURE THE ESSENCE OF NARRATIVE They are the children of the king p45; They collect them and put them under the armpit of the king; They went on their own, these of Tsekwane; It was LaSimelane who was protecting him because he appeared through the tsangula before he dlala'd incwala.] Date: 8 July 1983 Interviewed at: Zombodze Narrator: Maphumulo Nsibandze (MN) Information heard from: Maphumulo's brother. Elders of the eMagavu, Ddlavela and Giba emabutfo . Interviewers: Carolyn Hamilton (CH); Henry 'Hlahlamehlo' Dlamini (HD) Transcriber and Translator: P. Khumalo.]

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Maphumulo Nsibandze, experimental typescript


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