KZNM catalogue card (front view)


KZNM catalogue card (front view)



KZNM catalogue card (front view)

[ Source of title : FHYA using KZNM materials ]

Material Designation

Textual record

Institutional Identifier


Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND Unless otherwise stated the copyright of all material on the FHYA resides with the contributing institution/custodian.

Descriptions and Notes

Transcription [Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2016, using KwaZulu Natal Museum Catalogue Card: Name: Model Function: Model of man in "Kitchen boy's" outfit pulling a cart Raw materials: Clay, cloth, sticks/twigs/reeds Comments: May 1995. Both arms broken but kept in place by shirt sleeves. Old, small. No. 531 on paper label on back of left leg. Method Obtained: Pur Rev. Father Mayr 1906]

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2017 - Digital image by Rosemary Lombard
KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZNM) Custody [19-?] -
KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZNM) Making [19-?]
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KZNM catalogue card (front view)


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