a) religious song b) extempore speech Sung by a Baca girl, spoken by two Baca girls, sound recording


a) religious song b) extempore speech Sung by a Baca girl, spoken by two Baca girls, sound recording

Scope and Content

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: Digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "a) religious song b) extempore speech Sung by a Baca girl, spoken by two Baca girls".]



a) religious song b) extempore speech Sung by a Baca girl, spoken by two Baca girls, sound recording

[ Source of title : ÖAW ]

Material Designation

Sound recording

Institutional Identifier

Ph 1775, OEAW PHA CD 25/2:24

Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Unless otherwise stated the copyright of all material on the FHYA resides with the contributing institution/custodian.

Descriptions and Notes

CD numbering, recommendations for citation [Source - The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908, CD booklet, 2006: Each series has a single CD number, which is independent of the actual number of CDs comprising the series. For example, a series may be listed as OEAW PHA CD 9. The third CD of this series is listed as OEAW PHA CD 9/3. Due to the short playing time of a Phonogramm, a single CD may contain up to 40 tracks. The booklet recommends citing the historical recordings according to the following guidelines: In the first instance, each recording should be referred to by its catalogue number (e.g. Ph 628, G 3412). If a recording is taken from the present edition, the catalogue number should be followed by the CD number of the relevant series (if a series comprises several CDs, the CD number should be followed by the CD sub-number, separated from the CD number by a slash), and by its particular track number, set apart by a colon; e.g. Prayers: Ph 1753, OEAW PHA CD 25/1: 1. !hub° lempi (war [dance] song): Ph 1759, OEAW PHA CD 25/2]

Attributions and conjectures [Source - The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908, CD booklet, 2006: For some of his recordings, Father Franz Mayr limited his notes on the interlocutors to "grown up (Zulu) girls". In the protocols of the Phonogramme Ph 1773 (CD 2, track 23) and Ph 1775 (CD 2, track 24) Mayr only recorded "grown-up girls" or "two Baca girls" as the interlocutors.]

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2016 -
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Publication 2006
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Custody [between c.1908 - 1913] -
Reverend Father Franz Mayr Collection c.1908
No attribution Making c.1908
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