Ihubo lempi: old war song [war-dance song] Sung by Pakati, sound recording


Ihubo lempi: old war song [war-dance song] Sung by Pakati, sound recording

Scope and Content

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: Digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Ihubo lempi: old war song [war-dance song] Sung by Pakati".]



Ihubo lempi: old war song [war-dance song] Sung by Pakati, sound recording

[ Source of title : ÖAW ]

Material Designation

Sound recording

Institutional Identifier

Ph 1785, OEAW PHA CD 25/2:9

Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Unless otherwise stated the copyright of all material on the FHYA resides with the contributing institution/custodian.

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2016 -
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Publication 2006
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Custody [between c.1908 - 1913] -
Reverend Father Franz Mayr Collection c.1908
Pakati Making c.1908
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Ihubo lempi: old war song [war-dance song] Sung by Pakati, sound recording


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