Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1


Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection:  14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1

Scope and Content

[Source - Nessa Leibhammer for FHYA, 2017, using JAG materials: Box File 6 contains a few pictures of objects and photocopies of pages from publications and articles on southern African traditional objects; pages from Sothebys auction catalogue; correspondence from collector Jurgen Witt, from whom some of the Horstmann objects were originally collected, to Rochelle Keene, then director of the JAG; correspondence between R. Keene and John Mack of the British Museum; Di Levy's (then the curator of the Traditional S.A. collections at JAG) notes on objects for purchase from Horstmann; notes from Horstmann with information on objects offered for sale.]



Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1

[ Source of title : Nessa Leibhammer using JAG materials ]

Material Designation


Textual record

Photographic image

Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2017 -
Johannesburg Art Gallery (JAG) Making c.1985 - c1992
Direct Links

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Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1


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