The Natal Tribes


The Natal Tribes

Scope and Content

[Source - Henry Fagan for EMANDULO, 2021: Two historical accounts written by R.M. Hook drawing on the evidence of two African interlocutors, Walaza and Mathlomahulu. Walaza's evidence recalls the Matablele group that broke away from Dingiswayo's Mtethwa prior to the reign of Shaka. Mathlomahulu's evidence recalls conflict between the Ngwane and Hlubi groups during the reigns of Mthimkhulu and Matiwane.]



The Natal Tribes

[ Source of title : FHYA using The Cape Monthly Magazine's material ]

Material Designation

Textual record

Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND

Archival History

[Source - Henry Fagan for EMANDULO, 2021: Extracts of letters written by R.M. Hook on 23 February 1880 and in April 1880 drawing on evidence acquired from two elderly African interlocutors, Walaza and Mathlomahulu. The evidence was extracted and prefaced by Herodotus Australis for The Cape Monthly Magazine. Published as part of The Cape Monthly Magazine vol.III, July to December 1880, by J.C. Juta in Cape Town, 1880, pages 161-164.A copy of the magazine was acquired by the University of Pretoria's Library Services at an unknown date. It was digitised by Internet Archive in 2016 and upload to their website. Downloaded by FHYA in 2021 and uploaded by Benathi Marufu for EMANDULO in 2021.]

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive(FHYA) Online Curation 2021 - Digitised by Internet Archive in 2016
University of Pretoria's Library Services Custody YYYY
J. C. Juta Publication c.December 1880
Herodotus Australia Editing c.December 1880
R. M. Hook Writing 23 February - April 1880
Mathlomahulu Interlocution c.April 1880
Walaza Interlocution before 23 February 1810
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The Natal Tribes


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