Swagger Stick, label


Swagger Stick, label



Swagger Stick, label

[ Source of title : Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using material provided by Justine Wintjes and Chiara Singh using the KZNM PastPerfect database, Object Name field, selected from Nomenclature 4.0 for Museum Cataloging. Parallel title from KZNM PastPerfect database, Other Name field (parallel custom lexicon) ]

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Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2021 - Chiara Singh digitised this material on behalf of the FHYA
KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZNM) Custody 1880 - 1904 - Acquired by the Natal Society between c.1880 and 1903 or the Natal Government Museum between 1903-1904 from F. Fynn. Frederick W. Fitzsimons accessioned this material. He worked as curator for the Natal Society and its successor the Natal Government Museum from 1896 to 1906.
F. Fynn Collection [18-?]
No attribution Making [18-?]
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Swagger Stick, label


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