Searching for a phraseIf you use more than one word in a search, you will get results for search term 1 OR search term 2. For example, a search for clan histories will return results for records that contain “clan” OR “histories” but not necessarily together or in that order.
Exact matches (“ “)If you want to search for a phrase, use quotation marks. For example, a search for "clan histories" will return results that have that exact phrase.
Wildcards (? and *)If you are not certain about one (?) or more (*) characters, use these placeholders in your query. For example, galax* will find galaxy and galaxies, and gala?y will find galaxy.
Required terms (+) Prefix any single term or phrase with + to indicate that it is required in all results. For example: +clan history
Field specifiers (:)Prefix a term with the field name and a colon to restrict search to that field. For example: title:clan description:history
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All Artworks, Images, Photos and Maps Audio Books and Published Records Graphic material Journals, Newspapers and Magazines Map Multiple media Object Organic plant matter Photographic image Sound recording Textual record Video recording
All .c.1855 /6/02/1939 08/10/1935 09/09/1938 1/04/1943 1/08/1908 10 October 1938 10/03/1937 10/03/1940 10/06/1933 10/08/1931 10/08/1938 10/09/1935 10/10/1942 11/05/1939 11/07/1940 11/12/1937 12/02/1934 12/05/1938 12/12/1933 13/01/1949 13/09/1934 13/11/1933 14/04/1937 14/07/1938 14/07/1940 14/10/1938 14/12/1931 14/12/1939 14/18/10/1938 15/01/1936 15/01/1940 15/02/1937 15/03/1937 15/04/1940 15/05/1935 15/08/1940 15/12/1932 16/04/1940 18-? 18/01/1936 18/04/1940 18/05/1938 18/06/1937 18/10/1932 18/10/1938 18/12/1935 1829-1835 1831-1840 1832-1833 1833-1834 1833-1859 1834-1836 1835-1836 1837 1838-1840 1839 1840 1842-1843 1847 1850 1854-1858 1855 1856 1857 1858 1861 - 1864 1873 1873/10/31 1873/11/04 1873/11/07 1873/11/11 1873/11/14 1873/11/18 1873/11/21 1873/11/25 1873/11/28 1873/12/02 1873/12/05 1873/12/09 1873/12/12 1873/12/16 1873/12/19 1873/12/23 1873/12/26 1873/12/30 1874 1874/01/01 1874/01/02 1874/01/03 1874/01/06 1874/01/09 1874/01/13 1874/01/16 1874/01/20 1874/01/23 1874/01/27 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before 1 September 1898 before 10/09/2020 before 12 June 1892 before 12 November 1834. before 12/08/1903 before 13 April1920 before 13/02/1920 before 15 July 1838 before 1550 before 16/07/1927 before 1628 before 17/09/1927 before 1703 before 1787 before 18 January 1943 before 1801 before 1802 before 1820 before 1824 before 1826 before 1827 before 1829 before 1831 before 1833 before 1834 before 1835 before 1836 before 1837 before 1838 before 1839 before 1841 before 1842 before 1843 before 1845 before 1846 before 1847 before 1850 before 1852 before 1853 before 1854 before 1855 before 1857 before 1858 before 1859 before 1860 before 1861 before 1862 before 1863 before 1863/06/01 before 1864 before 1866 before 1868 before 1871 before 1872 before 1874 before 1875 before 1875/04/16 before 1875/04/17 before 1876 before 1877 before 1878 before 1879 before 1879/06 before 1880 before 1882 before 1883 before 1884 before 1886 before 1887 before 1887/04-08 before 1887/04/01 before 1887/04/27 before 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1955 before 1957 before 1958 before 1959 before 1960 before 1961 before 1962 before 1963 before 1964 before 1965 before 1968 before 1969 before 1973 before 1974 before 1976 before 1978 before 1979 before 1980 before 1983 before 1984 before 1986 before 1988 before 1989 before 1990 before 1991 before 1993 before 1996 before 2 April 1888 before 2000 before 2005 before 2009 before 2012 before 2013 before 2014 before 2015 before 2017/09/29 before 2018 before 2020 before 2021 before 2023 before 21/05/1927 before 22 December 1814 before 22 October 2021 before 23 February 1810 before 23/07/1927 before 25/08/1916 before 27/08/1927 before 28 January 1935 before 28 September 1860 before 29 November 1892 before 29 October 1839 before 31 August 1844 before 6/08/1915 before 9 February 1850 before April 1825 before April 1880 before April 1884 before April 1898 before August 1866 before August 1867 before August 1991 before August 2015 before December 1865 before December 1876 before December 1881 before December 1899 before December 1913 before February 1914 before January 1855 before January 1874 before January 1882 before January 1883 before January 1902 before July 1846 before July 1908 before July 1932 before June 1884 before June 1887 before June 1914 before May 1855 before May 1872 before May 1880 before May 1892 before May 1932 before November 1884 before November 1902 before November 2018 before October 1879 before October 1893 before October 29, 1877 before September 1967 before September 1991 before/09/1903 before1880 between 1798 and 1801 between 1838 and 1840 between 1846 and 1849 between 1899 and 1901 between 1983 and 1985 between July and October in 1892 c. February 1877 c. March 1906 c.18 July 1842 c.1840 c.1844 c.1846 c.1862 c.1870 c.1870s c.1873 c.1874 - c.1882 c.1877 - c.1878 c.1879 c.1882 c.1888 c.1890 c.1900 c.1901 c.1902 - c.1905 c.1903 - c.1906 c.1903 - c.1907 c.1904 c.1905 c.1905 - 1922 c.1905 - c.1906 c.1905 - c.1907 c.1905-1929 c.1906 c.1908 c.1922 c.1927 c.1932 c.1933 c.1940 c.1945 c.1946 c.1947 c.1948 c.1949 c.1950 c.1951 c.1952 c.1953 c.1954 c.1957 c.1964 c.1968 - c.1982 c.1970 c.1973 - c.1975 c.1973 - c.1994 c.1974 c.1975 c.1978 c.1980 - c.2000 c.1980 - c.2003 c.1982 c.1982 - c.1983 c.1983 - c.1996 c.1985 c.1985 - 1987 c.1985 - c.1995 c.1985 - c1992 c.1986 - c.1989 c.1990 c.1990 - c1993 c.1996 c.1997 c.1997-2000 c.1998 - 2001 c.2000 c.2004 c.2005 c.2007 c.2008 c.2014 - July 2018 early to mid 20th centur early to mid 20th century in or before 1929 late 19th to early 20th century late 19th to mid 20th century late 19th/early 20th century mid 2020 mid 20th century mid to late 20th century
Best match to query title date
No attribution - pendant/medallion or beaded disk and associated items
Pendant, illustration
Pendant, label (5829)
Pendant (5829)
Pendant, Catalogue card 5829 (5829)
Necklace (6023)
Necklace, Catalogue card 6023 (6023)
No attribution - necklace and associated items
Necklace, illustration
Necklace, label (6023)
Necklace, label (6186)
No attribution - necklace or collar and associated items
Necklace, Catalogue card 6186 (6186)
Necklace (6186)
Doll (6208)
No attribution - doll and associated items
Doll, Catalogue card 6208 (6208)
Doll, label (6208)
Necklace, label (6185)
Necklace (6185)