Various headrings in storage at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum


Various headrings in storage at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum

Scope and Content

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2021, using materials provided by the KwaZulu-Natal Museum: Photographic image of various headrings that are held in storage at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum. These headrings, or isicoco, were polished by isicoco polishers, or polishing stones, such as the one found by Tim Maggs in at uMgungundlovu in 1973, which is housed with the 1975 material excavated at uMgungundlovu by Martin Hall.]



Various headrings in storage at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum

[ Source of title : Chloe Rushovich for FHYA ]

Material Designation

Photographic image

Reproduction Conditions

Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND

Event Actor Event Type Event Date Event Description
Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Online curation 2020 - Digital image by Justine Wintjes
KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZNM) Custody [19-?] -
Justine Wintjes Photographing 2019
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Various headrings in storage at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum


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